Welcome to Mechanic’s Diary, your go-to platform for comprehensive and trustworthy auto how-to auto repair, maintenance, and troubleshooting guides from certified mechanics.

Technically founded in 2022, Mechanic’s Diary is the result of decades-long passion for automobiles and a desire to bridge the gap between complex automotive jargon and everyday language, making it accessible to everyone for everyone from the seasoned petrolhead to the novice driver just getting to grips with their first set of wheels.  

Our team of contributors consists of certified master technician, experienced mechanics, automotive experts, and industry experts specializing in vehicle diagnosis, repair, and maintenance with years of practical, hands-on experience has experience working with American, European, and other foreign makes and models.

Our team of contributors consists of certified master technicians, experienced mechanics, automotive experts, and industry professionals specializing in vehicle diagnosis, repair, and maintenance. With years of practical, hands-on experience working with American, European, and other foreign makes and models. Each member brings their unique insights and technical expertise to the table, ensuring we provide a broad range of valuable content.

We cover everything from basic maintenance tips to in-depth repair guides, all aimed at giving you the information you need to handle a wide array of vehicle issues confidently.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring you the information and insights you need to take care of your car from bumper to bumper. We know your car is more than transportation. It’s part of your way of life, and you need to be in the know about every facet of your vehicle. That’s why we bring you in-depth information on things like.

Routine Maintenance

We give you the when, why, and how to handle the full spectrum of automotive maintenance. We empower you with the information you need to know when it’s time for a tune-up, change the oil, or upgrade a component. Our goal is to help you prevent problems before they get a chance to take a bite out of your bank account.

Troubleshooting Tips

Every car develops mechanical faults over time. We put intuitive troubleshooting tips and advice you need to accurately identify the problem at your fingertips. This helps you determine if it’s something you can tackle yourself, or if you truly do need to take it to a professional.

If you do need to bring it into a shop, we make sure you’re armed with the information you need to know what needs to be done, without falling for unnecessary upcharges.

DIY Repairs and Quick Fixes

There are a lot of simple repairs and quick fixes you can do on your own to save you a boatload of money on mechanic’s labor costs. Sometimes this is a quick fix to get your car running well enough to get you home. Sometimes it’s a minor repair job you can take care of on a Saturday afternoon.

If we think you can do it will give you the technical specs, tool tips, and helpful industry information you need to do the job right the first time. 

Our Promise

At mechanic’s Diary we always put the best interests of our readers first. The contributors at Mechanic’s Diary are committed to helping you maintain and care for your car.

Our contributors draw directly from our decades of personal and professional experience in the automotive industry. Then take it a step further by tapping into our vast connections with automotive industry experts.

Each of our articles includes a publication date for relevancy, as well as a tagline, and internal links to provide additional information.

Editorial Standards

At Mechanic’s Diary, we pride ourselves on the highest editorial standards in the industry. Peer review is at the core of Mechanic’s Diary’s success. Our contributors frequently review each other’s content. Then all our articles are overseen by an ASE Level 3 technician who rigorously fact-checks the technical data.

We correct any factual errors transparently and strive to make it easy for our readers to bring errors to our attention.All our contributors are responsible for disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.

Ultimately, we’re on your side, and no one else’s as the one true source you can trust for automotive advice.

Content Integrity

The content at Mechanic’s Diary isn’t influenced in any way by our advertisers. All our articles are our own and original. You can trust that if we recommend a product or a special tool, it’s based on our experience and thoroughly researched opinions, without any outside promotion.

We realize that content quality standards on the internet are at an all-time low, with product and tool manufacturers over-promising and under-delivering. When we come across one of these automotive red herrings, we make note of the truth of how it really works. So, you don’t end up mistaking a quick fix for a permanent repair.

All our articles and technical data are backed by real-world hard science. Then rigorously double-checked through our meticulous in-house peer review process. If an edit or a change needs to be made, we include the date, to provide you with complete transparency and the trust in knowing our content is always up to date.

Meet Our Editorial Team

To guarantee the highest level of accuracy and reliability, our team consists of experienced mechanics, automotive experts, and passionate car enthusiasts. Their collective expertise and insights enrich our content, providing you with a diverse range of perspectives and ensuring that our information is as valuable as it is trustworthy.

Jason Farrell

Certified Automotive Technician

Jason Farrell is a certified master technician, the editor of Mechanic’s Diary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Automotive Technology from Pittsburg State University. With nearly 18 prior years of experience in the automotive field, he has extensive knowledge about Domestic, European, and other foreign makes and models of cars and light trucks. Jason’s experience working as a technician and service manager at dealerships, gave him the experience and know-how of most aspects of inspection, diagnosis, and repair from engine and drivability to electrical, HVAC, brakes, steering and suspension and everything in between.

Victor Faeda

Automotive Mechatronics Technician

Victor is a Mechanical Engineer BSc and certified Automotive Mechatronics technician from Portugal. He worked as an intern mechanic for Volvo and has been fixing his own vehicles for over 10 years. Writing and cars are his passion, so now he combines the two by creating content around the automotive industry. He specializes in automotive technology and maintenance.

Contact Us

Thanks for dropping by! Whether you have a comment or suggestion to share, we look forward to hearing from you. For more general feedback, feel free to reach out by emailing jason.mechanicsdiary (at) gmail.com as well.